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Cipota Coffee
Why is coffee in this small country unique?

Coffee in El Salvador 

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America, and 90% of its area is volcanic matter, with 170 volcanoes, 23 of which are active. Coffee plants grown at high altitudes in these nutrient-rich volcanic soils make El Salvador's specialty coffee unique—a bean with balanced acidity and a bright taste. 

The country boasts seven prominent coffee-growing regions: Apaneca-Ilamatepec, El Balsamo-Quezaltepec, Chichontepec, Alotepec-Metapan, Cacahuatique, Tecapa-Chinameca, and El Bálsamo. These regions benefit from rich volcanic soil, high altitudes, and a favorable climate, creating perfect conditions for producing high-quality coffee. Each region offers unique flavor profiles, showcasing the diversity and excellence of Salvadoran coffee.

Coffee Varieties

A coffee variety is a type of coffee plant that has distinct characteristics. Just like there are different types of apples, such as Granny Smith and Gala, there are different types of coffee plants, each with its own unique flavor, size, and growing conditions. These differences are usually due to genetics and the environment where the coffee is grown.

El Salvador coffee producers are 100% dedicated to growing Arabica coffees; a type of coffee known for its smooth, mild flavor and higher quality compared to other types.

Arabica varieties are plentiful in The Land of Volcanoes—here are a few of our favorites:

  • Bourbon: An arabica variety of utmost importance known for higher quality potential at higher altitudes. 
  • Pacamaras: Primarily grown in El Salvador, this variety produces a large bean size & an exceptional cup.
  • Pacas: Discovered in El Salvador, a natural mutation of the Bourbon variety accounting for 25 % of the country's coffee production.
Let's Brew Some Coffee

Cipota Coffee Recipes